Quarter Horse Coffee Club
Exclusive coffees for ✛ Plus plan subscribers

Coffee Profile

Typica, Pache, Bourbon & Catuai


Various Smallholders

Creamy Body, Mandarin & Hibiscus
More about the coffee, producer & region.
In the past, many producers in the area have grown the Catimor varietal, promoted by the government and large multinational buyers. At moderate altitudes, this gave decent results and decent cup quality. But at higher elevations, yields tend to be lower, and quality is poor. Motivated by the premium prices they are receiving for specialty coffees, more and more producers are replacing classic varieties with Caturra, Bourbon, Catuai, and Castillo, which can reach exceptional quality levels when the trees are well managed and adequately fertilised. Since Huabal extends over two mountains and the valley between them, climatic conditions and soil composition can vary considerably. Some areas have humid conditions and red soils similar to the African ones, while others are dry and warm. All this contributes to different and delicious profiles in the cup and increases the coffees' complexity.

About the Region
This coffee is produced from San Antonio, Huabel, a district within the Jaén province of Cajamarca and one of the most significant areas for sourcing high-quality coffee in Peru. The altitudes range from 1200 to 2100masl, but most of the specialty producers are at 1500masl or more.
About the Process
Cherries are harvested by hand only when they are perfectly ripe and then washed to remove the skin and pulp before drying on patio in the sun.
How can I get this coffee?
Available exclusively in March 2023 on our ✛ Plus QHC Club Membership
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