Quarter Horse Coffee Club
Exclusive coffees for ✛ Plus plan subscribers

Coffee Profile

Catuai, Caturra


Various Smallholders

Mandarin, Brown Sugar & Milk Chocolate
More about the coffee, producer & region.
In Peru, like some other origins, coffee farmers are sensitive to market changes and often lack basic training and the incentive to produce higher qualities of coffee, as premiums often don’t materialise. For these reasons it was decided to change the way that coffee is bought in Peru, and working directly with producers, allowing control and improvements upon existing quality.
About the Region
The Cajamarca region holds a lot of potential for quality coffee, with ideal growing conditions and great varieties, but quality is often lost in picking, processing and drying, with producers lacking infrastructure and knowledge. The most vulnerable producers are those that are unassociated – those who aren’t members of a cooperative, association or organisation – and they represent 75% of producers in Northern Peru. These producers don’t have access to training sessions or premiums for quality or certifications, and their income is totally dependent on the market price. Often, local aggregators – a buyer who lives in the same area – will come to the farm or house of a producer and buy their coffee for cash before selling it on; in some cases, directly to an exporter or more often to other traders and middlemen. This results in the producer being paid very little for their coffee and a lot of quality coffee is lost.
About the Process
This lot is a blend of day lots from producers around the La Coipa, San Ignacio district. Producers in these areas pick and process their coffee themselves and usually dry the coffee on a lined patio. Coffee is generally fermented there for 24 - 36 hours and the main varieties grow are caturra,catuai and typica.
How can I get this coffee?
Available exclusively in February 2024 on our ✛ Plus QHC Club Membership
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