Quarter Horse Coffee Club

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The exclusive coffee for


San Cristobal


Want to try this coffee?

Coffee Profile

Caturra, Typica & Marsellesa


Small holder farmers

Strawberry, Apple Juice, Molasses & Chocolate

More about the coffee, producer & region.

This regional selection is sourced from members of Siembra Abundante co-operative in San Cristobal de las Casas, in Chiapas, southern Mexico. Farmers in this region typically cultivate 1-2ha of land at altitudes ranging between 1,100 and 1,350masl. Standard varieties in San Cristobal are Marsellesa, Costa Rica, Typica and Caturra. "Lekil-lum" translates to "Healthy Soil" in the indigenous Tzeltal language.

About the Region

Coffee is Chiapas' most important commercial crop and has a long history in the region, becoming a significant source of income for small producers. San Cristobal de las Casas improved their processing over the years which resulted high-quality coffee, typified by a very clean cup with notes of caramel, nuts, and chocolate. Chiapas is a tropical region with significant variations in weather due in part to dramatic changes in altitude.

About the Process

The soil is very fertile so more than half the population works in agriculture, including coffee beans, cacao, sugar cane, mangos, and bananas. Coffee is grown under the shade of many different indigounous trees. Producers here have learned how to process their coffee to ensure quality. Only the best cherries are selected for the specialty market. After depulping the coffee ferments for 12 to 17 hours before being washed in channels and dried on small drying patios next to farmers’ homes for 12-14 days.

How can I get this coffee?

Available exclusively in August on our ✫ Premium QHC Club Membership

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September:   Guatemala