Quarter Horse Coffee Club
Exclusive coffees for ✫ Premium plan subscribers

Coffee Profile

Catuai & Mundo Novo


Smallholder Farmers

Caramel, Blueberry & Passion fruit
More about the coffee, producer & region.
Tropical Bahia Producers Olam maintains a strong presence in the region through our buying unit in Vitoria da Conquista. During the harvest period, we bring ourselves even closer to the producers with the Olam Truck, our mobile buying unit, enabling us to collaborate with the most remote producers in the area. Manoelito Ataide Santos, Fazenda Baixadão "I was greatly influenced by my father, who has always lived in the countryside. I left other activities behind and decided to become a coffee producer, just like my father, replicating his knowledge." Sidmar Candido Da Silva, Fazenda Campo Belo "Coffee is our main source of income. Our family comes together to carry out all the harvest and post-harvest work. With great dedication, we always strive to improve our coffee quality."

About the Region
Tropical Bahia coffee is a product of unique circumstances. Producers in the highest elevations of Bahia, Brazil, benefit from some of the finest coffee cultivation conditions in the country. The cooler temperatures and fertile soil at these altitudes are perfect for growing exceptional coffee beans. However, the region's high humidity and frequent rainfall during the harvest and processing season present significant challenges for drying the beans. This often necessitates innovative drying techniques to preserve the beans' quality and flavour. Altitude 1000m - 1200m
About the Process
To overcome these challenges, many producers opt to transport their cherries approximately 50 kilometres to the neighbouring Caatinga biome, renowned for its warmer, drier climate. During the journey, the cherries undergo a unique fermentation process within a closed truck. Although this process never exceeds 24 hours, it imparts a distinctive fruity sweetness to the final cup profile.
How can I get this coffee?
Available exclusively in December on our ✫ Premium QHC Club Membership
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