Quarter Horse Coffee Club
Exclusive coffees for ✫ Premium plan subscribers

Coffee Profile

SL28 & SL34


Smallholder Farmers

Raspberry Sherbet, Appletiser & White Grape
More about the coffee, producer & region.
The coffee is sourced from a small community of farmers on the Wanale Ridge on Mount Elgon, Eastern Uganda. These farmers supply our long time partners in the region Zukuka Bora Coffee Company. The Zukuka Bora Coffee project was set up to support the people of Mt Elgon in many ways. While coffee farmers are at the heart of the project, the profits from the project are also used to support their partner NGO: JENGA Community Development. JENGA have been working in the Mt Elgon area for almost 20 years, and had laid much of the groundwork for Zukuka Bora to build relationships with farmers and their communities. JENGA operate a range of projects - including education sponsorship, clean water schemes, savings groups, health promotion and training, and wider farming.

About the Region
The Wanale ridge, visible from Mbale town and much of the surrounding region, is one of the most famous geological features of Mount Elgon, an extinct volcano on the border with Kenya, thought to be the oldest volcano on the African continent. The massive base and gentle slopes support thousands of smallholder farmers, with arabica coffee is cultivated across a broad band around the mountain between 1,200 and 2,200masl. Volcanic soils, plentiful rain, high altitude and abundant sunshine are all contributing factors to the excellent soil of the Mt Elgon region.
About the Process
Ripe coffee cherries are selectively harvested and then delivered to the wet mill. The cherries are floated in a clean water tank to separate by density (lower quality cherries float and are removed). The selected cherries are then pulped and immediately dried on shaded, raised beds. The drying takes an average of 21 days. After drying the coffee is rested in its parchment for around 1 month before moving to a dry mill for secondary processing (hulling, sorting, grading, handpicking and bagging in Grainpro/Ecotact bags for export
How can I get this coffee?
Available exclusively in October on our ✫ Premium QHC Club Membership
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